The combustion area of modern diesel engines has become increasingly hostile with each new design. In addition, designs of piston crowns have become more and more complicated to provide improved operating properties and to combat higher combustion temperatures and pressures.
DMI Dubai's 'Total Reconditioning System' is designed to give ship operators ready access to low cost and high quality reconditioned pistons which are equivalent to a new piston in terms of metallurgy and dimensions. Different piston types have different failure characteristics. DMI Dubai is able to recondition engine components of major engine makes such as MAN, Wartsilla, Mitshubishi, UEC and Sulzar including their latest versions.
DMI Dubai’s reconditioning process for two-stroke piston crowns is as follows:
Failure characteristics observed in the two-stroke piston crowns include:
Excessive wear in the piston grooves - Piston grooves and outer diameter are re-built to standard dimensions. The ring grooves are then hard chrome plated to a thickness matching OEM specifications.
Internal & Topside Cracks - These cracks are identified before the reconditioning process begins and are removed and re-welded to avoid premature failure.
Crown Burning - All burning and damages are removed and built-up to its original height and profile.
Piston Crown
Piston Crown
Piston Crown